
Breeches Grip

Nowadays there is a wide range of different riding breeches. Full seat, half seat, no grip at all – but what's actually the difference? Read our guide »


Fri 12 Mar - 21

When buying new breeches, you are faced with a couple of different choices. Not only do you have to choose a color and a model, but you also have to think about the material, the grip and the function. Moreover, equestrian fashion is in a development phase, which means that ever more models and alternatives are flooding the market.

 Today, there is a huge abundance of different designs to choose from. It’s great to have a wide range of products to choose from – but sometimes it can also make it challenging to find the right breeches that suit you and your riding style.

 We at Maya Delorez got you! In this article, we will explore the different types of grip that you can choose from, and what actually sets them apart, so that you can feel well prepared the next time you choose a pair of breeches.

Full Seat Breeches

Full seat means that the grip covers the whole inside of your legs up to your seat. Full seat breeches give a firmer grip in the saddle and can help you have a more stable seat. That’s one of the reasons why full seat breeches are particularly popular among dressage riders.

We usually recommend riders who are at the beginning of their riding careers to buy a pair of full seat breeches because the breeches offer this extra stability and a better grip in the saddle.

Half Seat Breeches

Unlike full seat breeches, half seat breeches only have grip on the inside of the legs, usually around the knees. This is why they are sometimes also known as knee patch breeches.

The grip doesn’t cover your whole legs, which makes your seat in the saddle a little bit more flexible. However, the grip on the inside of the legs still offers stability to the knees and thighs. These types of breeches are therefore often used by showjumpers, or other riders who want a more flexible seat in the saddle.

Questions about grip

What is silicone grip?

The material of the grip is another factor to think about. At Maya Delorez, all our breeches come with a grip that’s made of a high-function silicone material. Silicon grip has become extremely popular in recent years. Partly because the silicone gives maximum stability and a great feeling in the saddle, but also because it offers great freedom of movement and flexibility compared to traditional breeches with, for example, a suede seat. Some riders find the latter inflexible and stiff. 

Are there breeches without grip?

Nowadays, there are even breeches without any type of grip. Breeches without grip have become more and more common in recent years thanks to their high comfort, functionality and adaptability. The breeches without grip that we offer at Maya Delorez are one of our bestsellers and we receive positive reviews about them daily. Something that comes up often in the reviews is how comfortable the breeches are and how they give the same comfortable feeling as training tights – while still being riding breeches. Breeches without grip are the perfect choice for long, active days at the stable!  

Which type of breeches should I choose?

When it comes to choosing a pair of breeches, there is no right or wrong. We always recommend that you buy breeches that fit your needs and your intended area of ​​use. What discipline or level you ride at does not really have an influence on which type of breeches you should have. The most important thing is that you find a pair that fits your personal taste and that fits with your type of riding.  

A clear trend we can see among our customers is to use riding breeches with grip for training and competitions, while the breeches without grip are often used for everyday at the stable. But as mentioned earlier, there is no right or wrong – the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

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